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The DIY kitschy chair..


In My projects, Spaces Posted

Of late I’ve been a little bullish on the recycling front. More so, because of all the DIY (Do-it-yourself) things I’ve been reading about. I remember my mom re-using almost everything. Plastic was hardly ever used. And we’ve had the same furniture for as long as I can remember!

Before the transformation

Before the transformation

Though my first impulse was to throw away this ugly blue chair at home, I decided to think it through. Maybe something could be done to salvage this.

Luckily I had an old (and cheap) dhurrie. I had picked it up for the bedroom and found that it was too big for the space. I had to fold it to use it. so I decided to cut it to the required size, give it a border and use it. Well, that’s another project.

So coming back to the chair, I decided to upholster it with left over fabric from the dhurrie.

First came the painting part. I read a few ‘how to paint’ articles online. It seemed an easy read, but when I finally got around to do it, it was quite a messy thing. If you live in India, the easier thing would be call in an expert.

But somehow, I finished the painting on my own. I had to sand the whole surface, remove the black paint, use a primer and finally finish off with three coats of paint (with a lot of sanding in between coats).

Using the measurements of the existing upholstery, it was easy to get the dhurrie stitched from a local tailor. There is a little bit of fabric left that I am planning to use as a table runner.

After the transformation

After the transformation

And there is my chair. A traditional twist to a functional piece.

Kitschy chair at home

Kitschy chair at home

I use it indoors too! 🙂 More ideas anyone?


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  • Priyanka Gupta
    August 10, 2011 at 11:13 am

    That looks beautiful! Love the idea of painting it to look like a bamboo/cane/ratan chair 🙂

  • shivanigakhar
    August 10, 2011 at 11:32 am

    love it!! this is so cool! 🙂

  • priyanka gupta
    August 10, 2011 at 11:49 am

    wow thats really looking very beautiful, complete makeover.

    • craftcanvas
      August 10, 2011 at 11:59 am

      I know man! I guess you can relate to this the best, since you’ve seen the ‘work-in’progress’! 🙂

  • Padmini
    August 11, 2011 at 9:21 am

    Uber cool. 😉

  • Deepti Dayal
    August 13, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    Amazing…Nish…that was seriously cool!

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